Thursday, January 30, 2014

मोदी जी, क्या सच्चाई है और क्या झूठा प्रचार ?

दिमागी दिवालिएपन के शिकार लोग, जो बिना सोचे-समझे मोदी जी से नाफ्राक्त करते हैं इस लेख को पढ़ें और जानें मोदी जी की सच्चाई. 

फैसला करें कि इस बार आपका वोट किसे मिलना चाहिए. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

क्या कह रहे हैं मोदी ?

तुम किसी भी धर्म के हो, किसी भी जाति-सम्प्रदाय के हो, देश के किसी भी हिस्से में रहते हो, कोई भी भाषा बोलते हो, कैसा भी तुम्हारा रहन-सहन और खान-पान हो, हो तो तुम भारत के नागरिक. इस महान देश के नागरिक होने के नाते सोचो और तय करो कि इस चुनाव में तुम कैसी सरकार बनाना चाहते हो. याद रखना कि आज देश विखंडित होने की कगार पर खड़ा है. आपका एक गलत फैसला इसे गहरे अंधेरों में धकेल देगा.

मैं भारत के मुसलमानों और दलित सम्प्रदाय के लोगों से कहना चाहता हूँ कि ६५ वर्ष तुमने कांग्रेस और अन्य सेकुलर पार्टियों द्वारा फैलाए गये नफरत के जहर के साथ गुजारे हैं और आज तुम्हारी जो हालत है वह तो तुम जानते ही हो. क्यों न अगले ५ साल तुम मोदी की दोस्ती के साथ गुजारो? ऐसा करके तो देखो. अगर कुछ अच्छा नहीं हुआ तब आज जो है उस से बुरा भी नहीं होगा. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Shri Narendra Modi speech at National Council Meet at Ramlila Maidan

श्री नरेंद्र मोदी का भाषण - ऐसा ओजस्वी भाषण सिर्फ मोदी जी ही दे सकते हैं.

BJP - Good Governance

The BJP’s definition of good governance is a administration where even the weakest and the most vulnerable sections of society have an equal stake in charting the country’s growth. Everything starts and progresses from this single idea. Today, the BJP is the only true merit-based democratic political party in India. In governance, the BJP is committed to the ideals of transparency, efficiency and responsiveness. Time and again, the party has demonstrated its commitment towards these principles, wherever it has been voted to power.

With the BJP at the helm, the Indian voters can look forward to a clean government, free of corruption and scandal; a leadership that has not reached on top on the basis of connections and cronyism, but on the basis of years of unrelenting work for the masses and a youthful leadership that is in sync with contemporary India.

Our model of good governance ensures that even the tallest leaders and top bureaucrats are answerable to an ordinary citizen, hailing from any part of India. The government believes in operating in complete transparency, with every file and official record open for public scrutiny, except when these may endanger national security. The BJP’s ascendancy is an antidote to whatever has troubled the Indian political system over the last six decades– crony capitalism, feudalism, favouritism and archaic methods of governance. For us, governance is a mission that isn’t complete without proactive involvement of the citizens of India. We strive to provide a clean and efficient government that invites proactive participation and involvement of citizens at every step.

Source -

Monday, January 6, 2014

आपसी संबंधों का शपथ पत्र

हम समाज में रहते हैं और हमारे आपस के सम्बन्ध समाज की प्रगति के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण होते हैं. जन प्रतिनिधियों के लिए यह बहुत आवश्यक है कि वह समाज में अच्छे संबंधों के आदर्श प्रस्तुत करें. इसके लिए उन्हें एक शपथ पत्र दस्तखत करके सार्वजनिक करना चाहिए. उस धपथ पत्र का एक नमूना यह हो सकता है:


"I, (name of candidate), a proud citizen of India, declare as under:

That my mission shall be to ‘bring smile on every face’, and for this I shall work, to my best ability, for continual improvement of day-to-day life of Indian people.
That for working to fulfill above aim, ‘being in a position of influence or power’ is not a pre-condition.
That I attach great importance to my relationship with other Indians.
That I believe that development should be sustainable and such development has no meaning if there is no positive relationship between people.
That my relationship with all other Indians shall be on three levels – personal, social and national.
That on personal level the relationship shall be based on the principles of humanity, as I am a human being and so all other Indians.
That on social level the relationship shall be based on the principles of peaceful co-existence, as I am a part of the Great Indian Society and so all other Indians.
That on national level the relationship shall be based on the principles of nationalism, as I am a citizen of Great Indian Nation and so all other Indians.
That my behaviour with all other Indians shall be guided by above principles.
That my religion, my language, my life-style, my food habits etc., shall be my personal traits.
That I shall consider religion, language, life-style, food habits etc., of all other Indians as their personal traits, shall respect them and shall never say or do anything which hurt their feelings.
That all my personal traits shall support and strengthen above three relationships.
That based on above relationships, I shall work for creation of a class-less all-Indian society where there is no injustice, discrimination and exploitation. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

मतदाताओं के प्रति उम्मीदवारों की प्रतिबद्धता

राजनैतिक दल अपने चुनाव घोषणा पत्र बनाते हैं पर यह काफी नहीं हैं. इनके साथ हर उम्मीदवार का भी एक घोषणा पत्र होना चाहिए जिस में वह मतदाताओं से अपनी प्रतिबद्धता की शपथ ले. भाजपा का हर उमीदवार यह शपथ पत्र दस्तखत करे. इसका एक नमूना यह हो सकता है:


I, (name of candidate), make following statement of commitment:

- That I have offered myself to represent the people of (name of constituency) in Lok Sabha as an official candidate of Bhartiya Janta Party.
- That I stand committed to the ‘Politics of Service’ and not ‘Politics of Power’.
- That I believe that in parliamentary democracy people elect their representatives and not their
- That I believe that election is not a battle but only a process for electing peoples’ representatives
   and should be managed in a transparent manner.
- That I believe that being elected as a representative of people is not an end but only means to
   serve the people and the country.
- That I believe that India building is a team activity and not the sole prerogative of a few people or
   a party or parties.
- That I have made all declarations as required under law while filing my nomination.
- That I will abide by the code of conduct and any other guidelines made by Election Commission.
- That I attach great importance to my relationship with other Indians, and I have signed the
  ‘Manifesto of Relationship’.
- That I will work for continual improvement in day-to-day life of all Indian people.
- That I will always be pro-all and anti-none.
- That I will manage country’s affairs in an effective, efficient and transparent manner.
- That for me duties shall have precedence over rights.That I will be pro-active to peoples’
   problems and their solutions.
- That I believe that religion does not need politics but politics should be guided by religion.
-That I believe that religion means truth, non-violence, love, compassion, brotherhood, service,
  non-discrimination, non-exploitation and respect for each other.
- That I will behave in a disciplined manner in Lok Sabha and elsewhere, and will never create a
   situation where people electing me as their representative are embarrassed.
- That I will discourage use of such terms which have given a wrong meaning and purpose to
   democratic institutions, like ‘fighting election’, ‘ruling India’, ‘our rule’.
- That I will use only positive slogans.
- That I stand committed to encourage positive vote and discourage negative vote.

I seek your vote only on my merits and not on the de-merits of other candidates.

भाजपा का विजन - प्रतिबद्धता शपथ

लगभग सभी राजनैतिक दल चुनाव से पहले खूब वादे करते हैं. इनमें अधिकाँश वादे बिना सोचे समझे किये जाते हैं. पिछले चुनाव में कांग्रेस ने १०० दिन में महंगाई खत्म करने का वादा किया था. आज २०१४ में आप सब देख रहे हैं कि इस वादे की क्या दुर्दशा की कांग्रेस ने. अभी दिल्ली चुनाव में आआपार्टी ने पानी और विजली के दाम कम करने के वादे किये और सरकार बनाने पर वादों का मतलब ही बदल दिया.

लोकसभा चुनाव में मतदाता को भरोसा दिलाने के लिए भाजपा को अपने विजन के बारे में एक प्रतिबद्धता शपथ पर दस्तखत करके सार्वजनिक करना चाहिए. प्रतिबद्धता शपथ का एक नमूना यह हो सकता है:
  1. BJP should state its vision for ‘Developed India 2020’ 
Vision for ‘Developed India 2020’
‘"Better life for all – Smile on every face"
  1. BJP should state its agenda for Future Elections
Agenda for Future Elections
"Sustainable Development and Relationship"
  1. BJ should state its action plan to achieve vision and agenda
Action plan
  • Define ‘Better-life’ as BJP sees it.
  • Design and implementation of sustainable development strategies concerning clean air and water, safe food, health care, energy, land use, safe & economic housing, education, safe and economic air/rail/road travel, waste management, equitable distribution of opportunities and development-outputs. Plans should give quantifiable targets to be achieved in a specified time frame with required planning, monitoring, review and correction mechanisms in place. Remember, ‘You can’t manage what you don’t measure’.   
  • Elaborate on the concept of relationship between any two Indians.
  1. BJP should state its approach for managing country’s affairs:
  • Treat election as a process and manage election campaign in a transparent, positive and decent manner.
  • Declare that being elected as people’s representative is not the ultimate aim but means to achieve the vision.
  • Declare that your party is Pro-all and Anti-none.
  • Help people to cast a positive vote by adopting a positive approach for debate. Talk about yourself, your vision, your plan and your approaches to create confidence in the people. Criticizing others and finding faults with their vision, their plan and their approaches is a negative approach. Do not encourage negative vote.

फिर सक्रिय हो रहा है मतदाता मंच

वर्ष २०१४ में आप सभी मित्रों का स्वागत है इस मतदाता मंच पर.

यह ब्लाग पिछले लोकसभा चुनावों तक काफी सक्रिय था. उसके बाद यह ब्लॉग कुछ कारणों से उतना सक्रिय नहीं रहा. अब एक बार फिर बैसी ही परिस्थितियाँ पैदा हो गई हैं और इसे फिर से सक्रिय करने की आवश्यकता महसूस हो रही है. जो पोस्ट्स अब उतनी प्रासंगिक नहीं रही उन्हें ब्लाग से हटा रहा हूँ. कुछ पोस्ट को एडिट कर रहा हूँ. वर्ष २००७ की कुछ पोस्ट्स को पुनः पोस्ट कर रहा हूँ क्योंकि वह ६ वर्ष बाद भी उतनी ही प्रासंगिक हैं. कुछ नहीं बदला है.  

आपके सहयोग की अपेक्षा है. ब्लाग पर पधारें और अपनी राय दें. चैट करने के लिए एक चैट बाक्स भी उपलभ्ध है, इसका भरपूर प्रयोग करें.

बस एक निवेदन है कि भाषा की शालीनता बनाये रखें.

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